Mood Tracker Printable For Bullet Journals

Are you looking for pages you can print for your bullet journal?

I have designed free Mood Tracker printable that are great for anyone who uses a planner or journal.

What is a mood tracker?

A mood tracker is like a journal where you write down how you’re feeling each day, maybe even a few times a day.

You can use colors, emojis, or patterns to show your mood.

By keeping track of your mood, you can see how it changes over a week, a month, or a year.

It’s useful for people who have feelings like sadness or worry to understand what makes them feel that way.

Tracking your feelings can help you understand how you’re doing mentally.

How to use a mood tracker?

The idea of a mood tracker is to notice patterns in your feelings.

Does work or school make your day good or bad?

Tracking helps you understand what makes you feel a certain way, so you can make changes to feel better.

You might find you have more good days than you thought.

Or, maybe one part of the day wasn’t great, but overall, it was awesome! How would you describe that day?

Decide on labels for your moods and pick colors for each.

Write them on the page using your favorite colors.

Some people use colors like red for anger, blue for sadness, or yellow for happiness. You can also use colors that go together or your favorite.

Free mood tracker printables for download

Free mood tracker printables to help you start today.

Yearly mood tracker

This printable features a simple yet effective layout that allows you to record your mood on a daily basis throughout the year.

With space to mark each day with a color or symbol representing your mood.

Yearly Mood Tracker Printable will help you to keep track of how you feel every day for a whole year.

You can download it for free and start using it right away. It’s an easy way to take care of your feelings and work towards feeling better every day.

You can download it here

Yearly Mood Tracker

Monthly mood tracker

Stay mindful of your mood and emotions throughout the day!

Download it for free and start using it today.

You can download it here

Monthly Mood Tracker

Weekly mood tracker

With this printable, you can easily see how your mood changes over the week.

It’s great for understanding what makes you feel good or not-so-good.

It’s an easy way to keep an eye on your feelings and work towards feeling happier each week.

You can download it here

Weekly Mood Tracker

Daily mood tracker

With this tracker, you can easily monitor any changes in your mood over time.

It’s perfect for understanding what influences your emotions and for practicing self-awareness.

You can download it here

Daily Mood Tracker

Tips on how to use mood trackers for best results

  1. Start Simple: Begin with just a few emotions. Rather than tracking every feeling under the sun, focus on 3 to 5 key emotions. Keeping it simple prevents overwhelm and helps you stay consistent.
  2. Keep It Interesting: Make tracking your mood enjoyable. Experiment with different templates or get creative in a bullet journal. Adding some fun to the process can make it more engaging, and seeing your tracker come to life each day can be satisfying.
  3. Regular Reflection: Take time to review your mood changes frequently. By looking back at your entries, you can identify patterns and understand what influences your mood. Comparing your mood log with other logs, like your sleep patterns or journal entries, can provide valuable insights into your emotional well-being.

No time to print Mood Tracker now? Pin the image below so you can come back to it later!

Printable Mood Trackers

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Happy planning, and have a wonderful day ahead!

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